All You Need To Know About the UPSC Exam
Most of you must have been preparing for civil service exams for a bright career ahead. It is true that once you can crack it, there is no looking back. However, cracking the civil service is not a piece of cake. A lot of hard work and dedication goes into it. Before you start preparing for UPSC's current affairs, you need to have a clear idea about the exam. Worry not, as here you will get all the information related to the UPSC civil service exam. What is UPSC? Referred by people as the IAS exam, the Union Public Service Commission conducted the UPSC exam. The main idea behind conducting this civil exam is to appoint eligible candidates as IPS, IAS, IFS officers and give them the responsibility of several administrative posts of India. The UPSC exam is divided into three stages: Stage 1: UPSC CS Preliminary Examination or UPSC prelims Stage 2: UPSC CS Main Examination or UPSC mains Stage 3: UPSC Interview or the personality test UPSC exam pattern As has already be...